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What is the sound of one head snapping?
Monday, June 19, 2006
And the red flag is up!

Finally after creating this blog (along with ten other blogs) I've gone on to populating the site with contents. You see, since the early days of the net I have a knack for creating (and reserving) URL's for my would-be projects that often times result in cancellations not because of lack of initiative but because of a low EQ to actually accomplish and have it rolling.

Thanks to idle times (which occur a lot recently) I'll be regularly updating this site with different pages that I come across with. Being the avid (and heavy) surfer that I am, I come across various sites that are very “interesting” to say the least.

Now sit back, grab a coffee, turn off your cell, and read on while I give you sites to waste your time on. (while EQ is on stack).
posted by Nocturnal Sun at 1:04 AM | Permalink |